Taneisha Scheuermann, PhD
Taneisha Scheuermann is a behavioral scientist focusing on smoking cessation research. She is an Assistant Professor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She earned her PhD in counseling psychology from The University of Akron and completed her postdoctoral training in the Center for Health Equity at the University of Minnesota. Taneisha has a strong emphasis on health disparities, including racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities related to tobacco use and associated health outcomes. Her research to-date has focused on several specific populations including nondaily and daily smokers, African American smokers, hospitalized smokers, and pregnant women. She was recently awarded a National Institute on Drug Abuse K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to develop and test a text-message intervention for pregnant and postpartum women who smoke. She is also pursuing a line of research that will (1) evaluate the effectiveness of clinic-based smoking cessation interventions delivered to pregnant and postpartum women and (2) assess barriers and facilitators to the implementation of these interventions.