New MT-DIRC Website is Live!
Welcome to our brand new MT-DIRC website. We are very excited to share everything our institute and fellows are accomplishing with a broader audience. Our 2015 institute is upon us soon and on behalf of the faculty and myself, we are proud of how much we’ve accomplished in these first two years of the program. Check out our Fellows page to see the incredible two cohorts of fellows we have recruited for training. Our fellows come from a wide background of disciplines and are geographically dispersed through the United States and the world. The diversity in their work has created such an enriching experience for all in the program and they are already making impact within the world of D&I science and Cancer research.
Check out our accomplishments page to see all that our first year cohort has achieved since June 2014! We can’t wait to see what collaborations and innovations our 2014 & 2015 fellows continue to achieve.
Here at MT-DIRC we talk the talk so with this new website, we wanted to make sure we walked the walk. As described under our curriculum page, we are working on developing and refining D&I training competencies and will be implementing and testing them with this program. Any updates regarding our curriculum can be found under our curriculum page.
You will be able to find updates about our application process and the application when available from the site. We will add and update open access resources & links available to D&I researchers on our Links page. Information related to D&I conferences, trainings and other important dates will be available under our events tab. And of course, we will share all that our fellows have accomplished under our accomplishments page.
This will be the last time you hear from me for a while as we plan to share the blog section with faculty and fellows in the program. The blog will give them a chance to describe their experience within the program as well as share the projects they are working on.
As always, if you have any additional questions about the MT-DIRC program or have feedback about our new webpage, feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Thank you for visiting our webpage!
-Maggie Padek, MPH,MSW, Program Coordinator